
May. Green films & debates in Krakow

29 kwietnia 2024

We are speeding up! In May we see you in Krakow for 2 debates on food and farmed animals, as well as shows Dining on Despair and The Vegan Business Talks

The Design Pharmacy has a program strand planned for the second quarter. „Sustainable Development,” referring to a UN resolution that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the world. This time we will take a look at the second, which reads, „Eliminate hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.”

„The world’s 500 million small farms, which depend primarily on rainfall, provide up to 80% of the world’s food needs in much of the developing world. What will happen when droughts and climate transformations come? What will the residents of large cities such as Krakow, which are dependent on farms for food? Can we prepare now for the expected threats?” On May 18, as part of Eat Krakow Fest, you’ll see Dining on despair and The Vegan Business Talks – our two movies on fixing the food system!

Credit: unsplash