March for the Liberation of Animals in Warsaw

The March for the Liberation of Animals is taking place in Warsaw on Saturday 14 September. This is the 6th edition of the march. As part of the event, a letter from Dr Sylwia Spurek was read out:
‘Today I am speaking to you from afar, more than 7000 km away. I am standing today, symbolically, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on the very spot where more than 60 years ago Martin Luther King delivered his famous words – ‘I HAVE A DREAM’.
The Great March of 1963. became the cornerstone of revolutionary change. And today we, as a new movement of the future – continue on this path towards the fullness of freedom, justice, dignity for everyone and anyone regardless of gender, orientation, background or GATERNMENT. Because everyone and anyone has the right to be free from all violence!
Our Animal Liberation March today carries with it echoes of that great march on Washington, echoes of protests, strikes, demonstrations for a change in the status quo. Inspired by the courageous struggle of human rights defenders, vegans and vegans are calling for ANIMAL RIGHTS. We want a total ban on research using animals – because science knows better and ethical solutions. We want a ban on the use of animals in circuses, dolphinariums and a ban on hunting, including fishing. We demand a ban on opening new animal farms, not just those raised for fur. Politicians and politicians must finally set a moment, a date, when a 100% ban on the breeding and exploitation of animals, all animals regardless of species, will take effect and their protection will be written into our Constitution.
Our fight for animal rights also reflects the fighting spirit of the first LGBTQ activists
and LGBTQ+ activists who and who had the courage to stand up, fight and demand dignity
and equality. Their actions showed that freedom and dignity belong to all, regardless of orientation or identity.
We are also inspired by the courage of the suffragettes who marched relentlessly for women’s rights. Zofia Nałkowska said – we want all life. We today say – we want life for everyone and anyone. Because there is no feminism without veganism, no struggle for equality without veganism, no struggle and justice without veganism! Veganism is the new feminism!
The March on Washington raised awareness around the world about racism
and injustice. It showed tremendous strength and unity. It opened the door to change unjust, violence-soaked laws. This march has become an inspiration for future generations, movements, people all over the world who want to change the world, who have the courage to go beyond their comfort zone and beyond the system, who have the courage to fight for the rights of others!
I would like to say one day – ‘I Have a Dream’. I wish it wasn’t just a dream, that it didn’t just remain a dream. I would like to see tens, hundreds of thousands of people on the streets demanding justice for everyone without exception. Because you cannot fight
against one evil and accept another. Alice Walker said – animals live for themselves – they were not made for man, just as women were not made for men and black people were not made for white people.
Thank you for being here today, for creating a culture of fighting for animal rights, for proudly calling yourselves vegans and vegans every day. Thank you for building our movement, for laying the foundations for our great march, a march that will one day change society, change politics, change the economy.
Finally, to those who are not yet on our side, or rather: on the side of the animals, but already feel that change is necessary. Rosa Parks, the ‘mother of the civil rights movement’ said – ‘You don’t have to agree to start acting.’
Go Vegan!’
Photo: Jerzy Wypych, Festiwal Festiwal Góry Literatury