
Dr. Robert Maślak. Premiere & debate Wroclaw

15 lutego 2024

Dr. Robert Maślak will take part in a debate after the premiere of Dining on despair in Wroclaw. Dr. Robert Maślak is a biologist, assistant professor in the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Vertebrates at the University of Wroclaw, a specialist in the behavior and welfare of non-domesticated animals in captivity. An advocate of new technologies in food production. Involved in nature conservation, climate and […]

MP Jolanta Niezgodzka. Premiere & Debate

14 lutego 2024

On February 17, 2024 (Saturday), at 4:00 pm, the New Horizons Cinema in Wroclaw will host the premiere of the reportage „Dining on despair” and a discussion on the right to healthy, safe food and fixing the food system. Parents for the Climate, Green REV Institute, the Future Food 4 Climate coalition and New Horizons Cinema are inviting to the event. The debate […]

Daniel Petryczkiewicz. Dining on despair

13 lutego 2024

„We need a much broader understanding of how the world works today. Unfortunately, the way we consume information increasingly hinders this. Myths that have been perpetuated for decades about food production, agriculture, the countryside, farming, ecology, nutrition, the possibility of saving the planet with a miracle diet or way of life – all this adds up to a story that serves only […]

Amsterdam endorsed Plant Based Treaty

12 lutego 2024

Amsterdam is another city that has endorsed the Plant Based Treaty, a global agreement to repair the food system supported in Poland by the Green REV Institute and Future Food 4 Climate. The plan includes, among other things: a) Starting in 2024, all employees, visitors, guests and patients will be able to enjoy full plant-based meal options in all publicly funded institutions. b) […]

Denmark and the groundbreaking ruling on vegan meals

11 lutego 2024

On 8 February 2024, the Danish lower court in Hjorring recorded a landmark ruling on the availability of vegan meals. The ruling emphasises that those who follow a vegan diet have the right to equal treatment and cannot be put at a disadvantage compared to those who do not have vegan beliefs. The case involved a nursery refusing to prepare a vegan meal and denying parents the opportunity to provide […]

Animal-based food and its impact on the planet

7 lutego 2024

The UNEP report „What’s cooking?” clearly shows that food of animal origin has a direct and significant impact on the environment, human health, socio-economic issues and animal welfare. In the report, we can read that the consumption of food of animal origin is steadily increasing worldwide. At the same time, the impact of animal-based food production on worsening the climate crisis, […]

Meeting of the Parliamentary Group – Parents for Future

6 lutego 2024

On 1 February 2024, a meeting was held as part of the Parliamentary Team 'Parents for Climate’. As part of the Meeting, we addressed the safety and quality of today’s food: Morgan Janowicz, Partnership Coordinator of the Green REV Institute: „I would like to emphasise from the outset that a just transition of the food system is also and especially a just transformation of […]

The role of diet among children in shaping adult health

5 lutego 2024

Three studies by Tufts University, the University of Eastern Finland and Bristol University highlight the link between diet during childhood and the impact on adult health. The results of the studies show the beneficial effects of eating plant-based foods, reducing consumption of animal products and processed foods in childhood on health in adulthood. A study from Tufts University showed that a plant-based […]

Documentary movie – Dining on Despair

1 lutego 2024

The premiere of the Green REV Institute’s third production report will take place on 17 February at 18:00! Link to the event on Facebook. Teaser Dining on Despair is a story about our plates, which combine climate, health, ethical, social catastrophe. Cast: Dining on Despair – production (2023) Green REV Institute, directed by Marcin Anaszewicz, film created thanks to Vegan Grants, matron of honour […]

Youth Climate Lab – nothing about us without us

30 stycznia 2024

On 25 March 2024, the 4th stationary event organised by the Green REV Institute in collaboration with the UK Embassy of Great Britain and Northern Ireland took place as part of the Nothing About Us Without Us project. Youth Climate Lab took the form of a workshop: As part of the Youth Climate Lab, individuals also had the opportunity to present the […]