
Activism for a sustainable food system

18 stycznia 2024

The Green REV Institute, in collaboration with the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is organising a Youth Climate Lab event on 25 January 2024 (Thursday). The event will take place as part of the Nothing About Us Without Us project, which targets young people, activists and activists from all over Poland. REV works […]

Food waste – or how many billions of lives are being lost?

17 stycznia 2024

Around 18 billion animals’ lives were lost and wasted in 2019 as a result of global meat production and consumption, data from the report 'Animal lives embodied in food loss and waste’ shows. Full version of the report The report was prepared by Leiden University in the Netherlands. The current food production system is inefficient. More than 70 per cent of […]

Report – checking retail chains in Poland

16 stycznia 2024

The Green REV Institute has been working over the past months to check the transparency and responsibility of the largest retail chains in Poland. Although all the retailers have sustainability strategies, none of them indicate actions related to reducing the sale and promotion of meat and dairy as a target for climate action. Who are we checking? Biedronka, Żabka, Lidl, Kaufland […]

Letter to the US Department of Agriculture on the food system

15 stycznia 2024

The Green REV Institute supported an open letter from civil society organisations and the scientific community on the need for food system transition. The letter was addressed to the United States Department of Agriculture. Full version of the letter The appeal highlighted the need to include a strong scientific voice on the climate costs of meat and dairy in high-consuming countries […]

EC consultation – public resilience

12 stycznia 2024

The European Commission’s 'Have your say’ Public Consultation on Social Resilience – managing climate risks in the EU is open until 14 January. Public Consultation The Green REV Institute has sent its position paper in which we point out that: „The threats and risks arising from delays and lack of implementation of targets and actions related to a just transition of the […]

EC consultation – environmental action programme

11 stycznia 2024

Until 26 January 2024, positions can be sent as part of the European Commission’s public consultation 'Have your say’ – Eighth EU Environment Action Programme – mid-term review. The consultation will examine progress towards the main goals of the programme up to 2030 and the long-term vision for 2050, as well as progress in establishing robust monitoring structures to assess systemic change. In the […]

Union for Health 2021-2027 – EC consultation

10 stycznia 2024

The Green REV Institute on 6 January sent its position paper as part of the European Commission’s 'Have your Say’ Public Consultation on the Union’s programme of action on health for 2021-2027. The public consultation ran until 9 January 2024. As part of its position paper, the Green REV Institute emphasises that the health and quality of life of citizens […]

Letter – to the US Department of Agriculture on food system transition

9 stycznia 2024

Organisations and academics from around the world have sent an open letter to Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack of the US Department of Agriculture. The letter calls for the issue of carbon-intensive food consumption, which includes meat and dairy, to be included in the US climate stratagem. Open letter Together, we urge the United States to take concrete action to transition to a food […]

We check the biggest chains in Poland – report

8 stycznia 2024

We check if the biggest retail chains in Poland act for human rights, animal rights, climate and biodiversity!Check out our new report summarising the actions of the 5 biggest chains in Poland for the planet!Together with partners from across Europe, we investigated whether the largest retail chains, which shape and determine the food system, consumer behaviour and the content […]

Consultation – EU health action programme

7 stycznia 2024

The European Commission’s Have Your Say Public Consultation on the Union’s Health Agenda 2021-2027 is open until 9 January only. The Green REV Institute sent its position paper, where it highlighted the role of a just transition of the food system, the right of European women and men to healthy food and to live in a clean environment, education and the […]