
Voting – European Protein Strategy

18 października 2023

19 October 2023. The European Parliament will vote on the draft European Protein Strategy (2023/2015(INI)), rapporteur Emma Wiesner. As the Green REV Institute, we have sent a call to MEPs to support the report and include an additional amendment (AM 2).

As reported by the scientific community, the continuation of intensive animal protein production and the reliance on animal agriculture as a pillar of food security poses pressing risks. These dangers are not only limited to aspects of human health and living conditions in rural areas, but, above all, pose a drastic risk to our fragile environment and the sustainable security and resilience of the entire food system.

Promoting the production of plant protein for humans and significantly reducing the momentum of industrial farms and the animal agriculture sector are nowadays absolutely crucial steps in rebuilding lost biodiversity, safeguarding the state of the environment, protecting key water and soil resources and preserving overall public health.

Photo: Unsplash