
EC consultation – food waste

2 listopada 2023

The European Commission consultation – Targets to reduce food waste – is open until 22 November. The Green REV Institute has prepared and sent its position paper, which is available HERE.

In the position paper we point out that:

  • action to tackle food waste in the EU should be ambitious, given the deepening crises on a global scale;
  • it is time to redirect the responsibility from the consumer side to the side of food producers and distributors;
  • every EU citizen should have access to healthy, sustainable food;
  • it is particularly important to draw attention to the scale of food waste in animal production. The animal sector is one of the biggest polluters on the planet.

The aim of the initiative is to develop binding targets against food waste.

Why submit an opinion?

  • We are currently facing an inefficient food distribution system. In Poland, 92 kilograms of food are wasted every year, at the same time over 900 million people in the world suffer from hunger. 3 billion people are condemned to low-quality food;
  • approximately 14% of food is wasted (during transport, improper storage) before it is sold;
  • food waste also has a direct negative impact on biodiversity and the climate;

Photo: Unsplash