
We ask candidates to the EP!

21 maja 2024

Ask your Candidate, if he/she will act in favour of citizens, farmers, people living in rural areas, animals and the planet! Write an email in 2 minutes and send it to your future MEPs. We want politicians on the green side of power!
Candidate, will you keep the side of human, animal and planetary rights? Will you fight for our health, access to healthy, ethical food, a clean environment and our quality of life?
We want to know if you will stand on the side of health, human rights, animal protection and our planet!
The Green REV Institute is launching its campaign ahead of the European Parliament elections. We ask the Candidates about the 5 most important things that define our food, animal rights and human rights. Stink, blood and tears – factory farms and human rights is one of them!

How to take part in the campaign:

  • go to the Future Food 4 Climate Coalition website:
  • select a campaign;
  • choose which candidates you want to write to – how about all of them?
    Let us know what your candidates have written back!

Photo: We Animals Media