
Last European debate – 7.06 at 16:00

6 czerwca 2024

On the occasion of the 5th Vegan Day at the University of Warsaw, together with Dr Anna Buncler, we invite you to a screening of our 3rd report Catastrophe on a Plate, combined with a discussion with the candidates for the European Parliament from District 4!

When. 7 June (Friday), 16:00

Where. University of Warsaw – Multimedia Room 0.410

Screening of the Green REV Institute film ‘Dining on Despair’ with a debate with decision-makers, experts and activists.

16:00-17:45, Multimedia Room 0.410

16:00-16:15 – Opening by the Minister for Climate and Environment, Nicholas Dorozala

16:15-16:45 – Screening of the Green REV Institute’s latest reportage titled. ‘Dining on Despair’

16:45-17:45 – Debate ‘Plant Based school, green transition’ with the participation of:

  • Karolina Zioło-Pużuk, PhD – Councillor of the City of Warsaw, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, social and political activist.
  • Sylwia Mróz, Councillor of the Ochota District of the City of Warsaw.
  • dr. Joanna Kamińska, Candidate for the European Parliament.
  • dr. Alicja Baska, Polish Society for Lifestyle Medicine.
  • Marzena Wichniarz, Parents for Climate and Future Food 4 Climate Coalition.
  • Morgan Janowicz, Partnership Coordinator of the Green REV Institute and Director of the Future Food 4 Climate Coalition.

The debate will be moderated by Dr Anna Buncler – Rector’s Team for Ecology and Climate Crisis, University of Warsaw.

The film ‘Dining on Despair’ was produced with the support of Vegan Grants. The matron of honour is Dr Sylwia Spurek, Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA). Patronage and cooperation: Krytyka Polityczna. Film with translation into Polish Sign Language.

Photo: Unsplash