
Climate Ministry responds on Nature Restoration Law

13 lipca 2024

Climate Ministry responds on Nature Restoration Law

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has responded to our letter regarding Poland’s negative stance on the Nature Restoration Law. In the letter we asked specifically about two issues given by the Ministry regarding the analysis of securing financial resources and the analysis of administrative burdens.

„In connection with the European Commission’s initiation of work on its proposal to undertake work on the Nature Restoration Regulation, an inter-ministerial team was formed under the chairmanship of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, which included representatives of all ministries involved. The purpose of the team was to work together to develop and comment on the content of the proposed act. The completion of the team’s work in the so-called trilogs took place at the end of 2023. By that point, numerous comments on the EC’s proposal had been worked out, which included an inadequate assessment of the effects associated with the implementation of the regulation in terms of finance and administrative burden. In the opinion of the IOC, the EC prepared documents with too high a level of generality regarding the impact assessment of the NRL regulation for the aforementioned team to carry out the analyses that are the subject of your inquiry.”

Full answer.

Credit: unsplash