
NIK responds – plant-based meals in schools

13 sierpnia 2024

The Supreme Audit Office (SAI) has responded to a request made by the Green REV Institute and the Future Food 4 Climate Coalition to conduct an ad hoc audit on the availability of plant-based meals and food quality in educational institutions.
The request is currently being analysed with a view to its inclusion in the current inspection. At the same time, the response points out that the topic of healthy eating in educational institutions is an important area of interest for the NIK. In 2024, the Supreme Audit Office plans to conduct an audit on the 'Promotion and implementation of healthy eating’ and the proposal submitted by the Green REV Institute and Future Food 4 Climate will be considered as part of this audit.
The results of the audits carried out by the NIK are published in the Public Information Bulletin.

Photo: Unsplash