A marathon of questions for EP candidates!
Together with European organizations, we encourage you to take action – Write and Find out what your MEP Candidate will decide on important issues in the Europarliament. Just go to www.futurefood4climate.eu select District or MEP Candidates and send an email on one of 5 important issues!
Common Agricultural Policy for People! On March 15, 2024, the European Commission decided to abandon and weaken the pro-environmental and pro-climate provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy! This is bad news for us – consumer people, condemned to unhealthy, unethical and unfair food. Parliamentarians and Parliamentarians 2019 -2024 have unfortunately confirmed the EC’s decision, thereby putting the interests of agribusinesses before health and the environment. As a reminder: a) The Common Agricultural Policy, was established by the Union in the post-war period (1962) with the aim of increasing agricultural productivity and competitiveness, ensuring an adequate standard of living for farms, stabilizing markets, ensuring security of supply and reasonable prices for consumers. b) The European agricultural policy is one of those involving the most funds from the EU budget, about 39%, and is therefore one of the most important policies. c) In past years, 75% of CAP funds were used to finance intensive animal agriculture. d) According to a study published in Nature Food in 2013. – more than 80% of the public money given to farmers under the CAP went to animal production. The subsidy system therefore allocates more money to a system that uses more resources and space to produce less food than it could, while condemning millions of animals to a life of suffering. Ahead of the April 23, 2024 vote, the Green REV Institute has mobilized hundreds of people to mail to MEPs. Today, you are the one who can show your MEP candidate that it’s time for a Common Agricultural Policy for everyone: citizens, farmers, rural people, animals and the planet. Write an email and say „Check!”
Credit: European Parliament