
Consultation – EU health action programme

7 stycznia 2024

The European Commission’s Have Your Say Public Consultation on the Union’s Health Agenda 2021-2027 is open until 9 January only. The Green REV Institute sent its position paper, where it highlighted the role of a just transition of the food system, the right of European women and men to healthy food and to live in a clean environment, education and the redirection of support for healthy, plant-based and sustainable food production.

Full version of the position paper

Within the position statement we can read:

Green REV Institute strongly urges that the Union’s Health Agenda 2021-2027 takes into account the need to accelerate the equitable transition of the food system and the implementation of the ambitions of the Farm to Fork strategy, due to the direct and indirect impact of the current food system based on animal production and financially and legislatively supporting animal production on the health and quality of life of EU citizens and nationals.

Photo: Unsplash