
Councilor Anna Krasnodębska Allies with the Plant School Program

12 lipca 2024

Anna Krasnodębska, Councilor of the Żoliborz District, City of Warsaw has endorsed the Plant School Program! „For me, as a long-time vegan (and previously vegetarian), this project is very important. First of all, for the sake of animal rights – this is a big step towards promoting a plant-based diet that is closely related to them, a step at the very base, because in the sphere of education. Secondly, of course, because of the rights of those on a plant-based diet – why are they the only ones who have to show the school medical statements about following such a diet? Why don’t vege parents get the opportunity to be relieved by the institution in preparing food for their children, while others don’t have to worry about it? Vege children also have the right to a hot meal during class with their peers, rather than being isolated because of their dietary choices. The lack of available meals for children on a plant-based diet is simply discrimination, and changes should be made so that each person’s worldview is respected (which, by the way, will benefit everyone). ” (source instagram of A.K.).

Thank you! You can find Plant School allies at

Credit: Anna Krasnodębska