Emissions under protection? Coalition’s position.

The Future Food 4 Climate coalition, initiated by the Green REV Institute, took part in the public consultation on the amendment to the Agricultural System Act and the draft on the protection of agricultural activities. Both documents raise serious concerns because they favour industrial animal agriculture by limiting the rights of residents to object to the nuisance of farms. In the Confederation’s draft, noise and odours from factory farms would be considered ‘the sensory heritage of the countryside’, which means de facto legalisation of harmful emissions.
The proposed changes include the introduction of the definition of ‘agricultural immissions’, which will make it difficult for local communities to pursue claims. The impact of farms on air and water pollution has not been taken into account, despite the fact that industrial animal farming accounts for 78% of ammonia emissions in the EU. The problem of the massive use of antibiotics in animal husbandry, which contributes to the growth of antibiotic resistance, already causing thousands of deaths a year, has also been overlooked.
Future Food 4 Climate, in its position in the public consultation, opposes provisions that protect the interests of industrial animal farming at the expense of health and the environment. As part of the Free From Factory Farmingprogramme, the Green REV Institute has published the White Paper on Victims of the Animal Agriculture, which outlines the necessary legislative changes. The coalition calls for the preservation of the right of local communities to oppose farms and for support for sustainable agriculture, instead of further strengthening intensive animal farming.
Photo: We Animals Media