
EU climate target 2040 – consultation of the Ministry of Climate

18 marca 2024

Together with expert organizations and individuals, we have submitted a position paper on the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040.

„As advocates for local communities, consumers, young people, people at risk of poverty, people living in rural areas, we appeal to you to include in the work of the 2040 climate target the issue of food, the transformation of agriculture, the realization of the ambitions of the Farm to Fork Strategy and all the aspects raised above, so that the transformation to plant-based systems is possible for the good and benefit of people, public health, food and food security, the planet, animals. The lack of decisive action in the area of food and agriculture has and will continue to have increasing negative effects, and the costs of the lack of reform and action will be borne by society, as well as the farmers themselves. We call for strategic dialogue coupled with strategic action for a just transformation of the food and agriculture system.”

Credit: unsplash