
EVS 2023: Olga Kikou

27 sierpnia 2023


Olga Kikou is Head of Compassion in World Farming EU, an international organisation dedicated to improving farm animal welfare, ending industrial animal agriculture and achieving sustainable food and farming. Born and raised in Athens, Olga lived in the U.S. for a number of years where she became involved in animal advocacy. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts and worked in international organisations in the non-profit sector and in research and planning. Having managed the Volunteer Programme for the Athens 2004 Olympic and Paralympic Games, she became involved in raising awareness on the importance of citizen participation. Olga is involved in advocacy work at EU level on key interests concerning the interlinked areas of animal welfare, food and farming, raising the profile of these issues on the policy sphere. She also engages with civil society organizations and other stakeholders, exploring synergies and developing joint strategies to influence decision making processes in the above areas. She has served as President of the Green Institute in Greece and has been a Board member of the Green European Foundation. Olga has the role of substitute representative for the End The Cage Age European Citizens’ Initiative.
Compassion in World Farming EU #EndTheCageAge #AnimalRightsAdvocacy