Forum 2023 – Anna Chęć

On 18 November at 13:00 we start the expert panel #FarmingFuture
Anna Chęć- activist, gardener, educator, local civic action leader.
She lives and implements her mission of gardening for the Earth in the permaculture habitat Dolina Bawole Serce in Bystra (near Bielsko-Biała).
She runs the „Świat W Nasz Rękach” Foundation, working for ecology, biodiversity and climate protection; animal rights, social, civic action and education that changes reality.
Professionally she is involved in education, conducting workshops, trainings and development processes under the banner of the workshop Act with Will.
Member of the Association of the Watchdog Poland Civic Network.
She believes that: „Change is possible. Here and now. Every small step is important”.
Photo: Green REV Institute