
Forum 2023 – Dr Andrzej Kassenberg

12 listopada 2023

18 November 10:30am kick-off!

No green transformation without a food system transition
One of the #KeynoteSpeakers is Dr #AndrzejKassenberg – co-founder of the Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation.

He conducts scientific activities in the field of sustainable development – energy and climate protection. He lectures at Polish and American universities. He was the first chairman of the Environmental Impact Assessment Commission of the former Minister of the Environment.

He was a member of the Environmental and Social Council to the President of the EBRD from 1991-95 and 1999-2000.

Former Chairman of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe. Participant in the Earth Summits in Rio de Janeiro and Johannesburg.

Moderator of the Roundtable on Environmental Education. Laureate of awards, including the Scientific Award of the Polish Academy of Sciences, „Man of Polish Ecology of the Year 2005” and the Green Eagle on the occasion of the centenary of „Rzeczpospolita” with the title TITAN and pioneer of Polish ecology.

Author or co-author of approximately 230 publications, reports and professional materials.

Photo: Green REV Institute