Joanna Kowalczyk-Bednarczyk – round table

The Future Food 4 Climate coalition initiated and coordinated by the Green REV Institute and FoodSharing Warsaw invite you to a roundtable on food waste!
What role should local government play in the fight against food waste? How to build effective cooperation between the activist side, NGOs, and local government on this topic? How to effectively raise the concern of food waste in the public debate? How to increase the systemic accountability of local governments and why is it so important to connect the dots between human rights, animal rights, climate, and biodiversity when it comes to food waste?
Joanna Kowalczyk-Bednarczyk (FoodSharing Warsaw) – Biologist, Ph.D. in medical biology, author of scientific publications and educational children’s books about animals. Member of the Association for Nature „Wilk” and the Association „Nasz Bóbr”. Active in Foodsharing Poland for the benefit of not wasting food. She writes for Vege Magazine and runs the blog Bieganism. Member of the Expert Council of the Green REV Institute.
See you on the 21st of February at 18:00! Link
The event will be translated into Polish sign language.
Follow the streaming on the FB profile of the Green REV Institute!