MP Question – farms vs. EU funds

AgriWatch Programme is focused at how Common Agricultural Policy funds are spent, whether they support green transition and building access to healthy, sustainable food. Industrial farms and industrial animal agriculture should not receive public funds at any stage: feed crops, research and development, production, investments, promotion.
Member of Parliament, Franciszek Sterczewski, in his interpellation No. 41821 addressed to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, asks what financial resources in terms of EU funds under the Rural Development Program 2014-2020, EU funds under the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund 2014-2020, as well as domestic public funds have been allocated in Poland in the form of grants, subsidies, compensation for: cultivation of fodder crops; production of fodder for animal agriculture, support of animal production on industrial farms (by species of animals), improvement of animal welfare, investment activities on farms that raise animals and/or cultivate fodder crops?
We believe it’s time for precise, transparent information on public funding of the animal agriculture sector.
Credit: unsplash / Jo-Anne McArthur