
Vegans for LGBTIQ+

24 maja 2024

The Green REV Institute invites you to a joint March for Equality. We Vegans know that without solidarity and equality without borders there is no future. We need to connect the dots. We need to support each other.

For the second time, we will move in the Equality Parade as Vegans for LGBTIQ+! Join us and let’s march together for human rights, animal rights and our planet! Don’t miss out!

Date: 15 June (Saturday)

Time: 14:00

Where: Palace of Culture and Science

Join us! Let’s show solidarity and justice without borders to the whole of Warsaw and Poland!

We invite you together with the Equality Volunteer Foundation. Thank you that we can support you and walk hand in hand! Event on FB:

This is not just a march, it is an expression of solidarity, a fight for human rights and equality.

We look forward to seeing you! Join us, join Vegans for LGBTIQ+ at the Equality Parade!

Do you have questions? Write to

Photo: Unsplash