
Voice for animals – podcast

9 października 2023

15.10 be the voice of the animals – We’re talking about the elections, which is the latest episode of the Veganism podcast on #ElectionForAnimals2023 featuring #REV Managing Director Anna Spurek, who stressed that what even the most progressive parties are proposing to us today is not yet the voice of the animals. These are small steps forward. Today we need spokesmen and spokeswomen who and which will be the voice of animals in Parliament right away, we need absolutely uncompromising voices.

Listen and check out the website wyborydlazwierzą! Link to listen in the comments Podcast can be listened to on all major platforms

Also participating in the podcast were:

  • Hanna Klosinska – Eurogroup for Animals;
  • Aleksandra Ozimek – Open Cages;
  • Małgorzata Szadkowska – Compassion Poland;

Photo: Unsplash