
YES to the Green Deal. Petition to Prime Minister Tusk

21 marca 2024

Ahead of the (EU) Council meeting and further political decisions, it is time for action. Reports of Poland’s political decision to block the EP and Council Regulation on Nature Restoration Law, of further efforts to weaken provisions and regulations for the environment in the Common Agricultural Policy are very worrying and dangerous for the future of all of us. […]

MEP Dr. Spurek to Ministry Nowacka- time for new education

20 marca 2024

On March 19, 2024, Dr. Sylwia Spurek, Member of the European Parliament, together with dozens of representatives of civil society organizations and the scientific community, sent an appeal to the Minister of Education Barbara Nowacka for the introduction of necessary changes to the core curriculum on ecology, climate and animal rights. Today, understanding the relationship between human actions and […]

Food safety? FF4C in Polish Parliament

19 marca 2024

The Parents for Future Parliamentary Team held another meeting on Monday, March 18, 2024. Morgan Janowicz, REV: „Today I want to focus on just one enemy of our life and health. A word we all and all know. Cancer. Why food needs to be the subject of education: Credit: unsplash

EU climate target 2040 – consultation of the Ministry of Climate

18 marca 2024

Together with expert organizations and individuals, we have submitted a position paper on the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040. „As advocates for local communities, consumers, young people, people at risk of poverty, people living in rural areas, we appeal to you to include in the work of the 2040 climate target the issue of food, the transformation of agriculture, the realization of the […]

Local government candidates Ambassadors for Plant School

15 marca 2024

More than 40 people from all over Poland have become allies of the Plant School. Krakow, Warsaw, Kielce, Poznan, Wroclaw, Zlotow, Szczecin, Katowice, Rakoniewice, Gdynia… candidates, local government officials and decision makers support the Plant School Program. Credit: Miroslaw Pieślak pictured are Vice Mayor of the City of Gdynia Michał Guć, Councilperson Marika Domozych, Councilperson […]

Gdynia: food debate with local government!

13 marca 2024

On March 11 at the Gdynia Film Center, the City of Gdynia, Parents for Future, Future Food 4 Climate organized a debate combined with the screening of the film Dining on despair.The Plant School Program and food system challenges were discussed by:a) Deputy Mayor of the City of Gdynia for Innovation Michal Guć;b) City of Gdynia Councilperson Marika Domozych;c) […]

Meeting with the Polish Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights

12 marca 2024

On March 11 this year, we had the pleasure, together with the Our Ombudsperson Initiative, to meet with the Ombudsperson for Children, Ms. Monika Horna – Cieślak. As part of the NGO meeting, we presented the demands of the Plant School Program, Future Food 4 Climate’s efforts to ensure access to healthy, plant-based meals in educational institutions. In February of this year, we presented our […]

Candidate for Mayor of Krakow, Lukasz Gibała for Plant School!

9 marca 2024

Krakow, March 7 Lukasz Gibala, candidate for Mayor of Krakow, along with the leaders of his list: Aleksandra Owca, Aleksandra Lewicka and Emilia Drobot sign the Plant School Declaration – 10 specific demands for schools, kindergartens, public procurement, food and climate education and local government action for local, healthy food. Lukasz Gibala : „First of […]

Prof. Tadeusz Pomianek – EU Green Deal is indispensable

8 marca 2024

„Of course, the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy are indispensable. Unfortunately, the Union (EU) is withdrawing from pesticides, for example, and this is proof that on the one hand it absolutely must be different – farmers must get much more money, much more guarantees, but on the other hand education is also on the side of […]

Dining on despair & debate. Gdynia!

7 marca 2024

The Green REV Institute’s film „Dining on despair” will be screened at 5:30 pm on March 11 at the Gdynia Film Center, combined with a debate with experts and decision-makers. The discussion will be moderated by Agata Lewandowska – an employee of Gdynia’s local government, head of the Climate Change Adaptation Department in the Environment Department, activist of the „Parents for Future” movement and district […]