
Answer to interpellation on factory farms

21 lipca 2023

We have received a response to an interpellation that was submitted on the initiative of the Green REV Institute and the Future Food 4 Climate coalition. The interpellation was submitted by a group of Members of the Polish Parliament and concerned factory farms in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy programming. The content of the interpellation can be found at this link. Responses […]

Methane emissions in agriculture vs. EC

20 lipca 2023

On 11 July, Dr Sylwia Spurek MEP submitted a question for written answer (E-002172/2023) to the European Commission on methane emissions in agriculture resulting mainly from animal farming.  Full text The following questions were addressed to the Commission: Given the scale of methane emissions in agriculture, does the European Commission consider that the measures on agriculture contained in the explanatory memorandum are sufficient to reduce methane […]

Groundbreaking motion for an EP resolution – Free from farms

19 lipca 2023

The European Parliament’s motion for a resolution on the health and lives of people living near factory farms has been referred to the ENVI Committee (Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety). This is a landmark moment as the motion addresses the impact of the operation of factory farms on people’s lives. Full text of motion for a resolution B9-0306/2023 As part […]

New report, same conclusions

18 lipca 2023

The latest report entitled. 'Towards sustainable food consumption’, which was released on 28 June 2023 by the independent expert body Science Advice for Policy by European Academies on behalf of the European Commission, highlights that a transition to a more sustainable food system is inevitable in the face of today’s challenges.  The full report is available on the Future Food 4 Climate website The […]

Let’s talk about a vegan hospital – EVS Talks

17 lipca 2023

Tomorrow (18.07) at 18:00, the next episode in the EVS Talks series entitled. „Vegan hospitals – why does public health start on a plate?”. The guest on the podcast hosted by Lena Anna Kuklinska is Georges G. Hayek, founder of Lebanese Vegans and the first vegan social hub in Lebanon. Georges is also the owner of Hayek Hospital, a vegan hospital in Lebanon. The […]

Meeting of the Parliamentary Group for Children

13 lipca 2023

A meeting of the Parliamentary Group for Children will be held in the Senate on 14 July 2023 at 12:00 pm to discuss the Senate bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Safety Act, the Childcare Act and the Education Law. The meeting will be attended by the Future Food 4 Climate coalition partners including Parents for Future, Travel with Claw, Varia Posnania, Spring without […]

LOWE activism camp vol. 1

12 lipca 2023

From 14 to 17 July, the first LOWE activist camp will take place, which is aimed at people who want to join the discussion on animal rights and food system transition.  As part of the organised talks during the camp, Anna Spurek, COO of the Green REV Institute, will speak. The panel on How to Systemically Take Animals Off Your Plate will […]

The EP has once again failed our future

11 lipca 2023

The European Parliament voted at its plenary session in Strasbourg against linking pollution from factory farming to biodiversity loss and the worsening climate crisis, but also turned a blind eye to the blow to human rights. The European Parliament has once again bowed to pressure from the animal industry lobby. As a result, the factory farms will be allowed to continue their operations, reinforcing an unsustainable […]

Animal production vs. water crisis

10 lipca 2023

Today, 10 July, the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) takes place in New York, where world leaders will address the impact of animal agriculture on the water crisis.  The meeting is centred around the theme of Sustainable Development including Sustainable Development Goal 6 „Clean Water and Sanitation”. UN member states will discuss the undeniable impact of animal […]

Draft resolution – MEP Spurek for rural areas

9 lipca 2023

Dr. Sylwia Spurek, Member of the European Parliament, has drafted a resolution calling on the European Commission to take legislative action against factory farms located near residential areas. „We must have the courage to say how animal farming affects our lives, our health, our environment and our planet. This is just the beginning of the debate on this issue. Many years […]