
June 26 – AGRIFISH Council

25 czerwca 2023

Agriculture ministries from across the European Union are meeting tomorrow. Among the topics of the meeting will be: (a) sustainable use of pesticides – following a progress report by the Swedish presidency, ministers.y will exchange views on the proposal for a regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (SUR). (b) Fark 2 Fork strategy- (informative summary). c) Trade-related […]

It’s today! Congress of Urban Movements in Gdansk!

24 czerwca 2023

Today at 12:15 (CEST) we are at the Gdansk University of Technology together with participants in the Congress of Urban Movements. The 8th edition of the event is held under the motto: „Self-governance 2.0 – new challenges, old problems. The panel will include:Bartlomiej Gawrecki – leader of the legal team and member of the board of the Green REV […]

AGRIFISH Council – Fish welfare

23 czerwca 2023

Following the upcoming meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Research Council (AGRIFISH), we have asked the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to support the inclusion of fish welfare issues in the Common Fisheries Policy. As early as 2021, during the Shanghai Summit, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) pointed out the role and importance of […]

About animals and food in Liberté Talks

22 czerwca 2023

In Veronica Michalak’s latest podcast, Morgan Janowicz talks about the activities of the Future Food 4 Climate coalition, changing the diet and system for the climate, and the rights of farmed animals „How do we view animals these days? As sentient, respectable beings or as a source of protein? Are we sensitive to the injustice of animals raised on industrial farms? Or do we not know what goes […]

Polish chicken meat vs. salmonella

21 czerwca 2023

On June 20, an article based on an independent journalistic investigation by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) appears in the UK, pointing out the risks to human health associated with eating chicken meat imported from Poland. ” A major supplier of meat to British supermarkets is sourcing chicken that has been given antibiotics linked to the spread of deadly superbugs, increasing the […]

European Vegan Summit 2023

20 czerwca 2023

September 19, 2023 marks the launch of the European Vegan Summit 2023! The first event that connects the dots on the map of animal rights, human rights and climate will take place, just like in 2022 online! Guests and guest speakers like Dr. Sylwia Spurek, Member of the European Parliament, Dr. Anita Krajnc, leader of the global […]

EU 2040 climate target? Food!!

19 czerwca 2023

European Commission opens consultation and Future Food 4 Climate calls for mobilization The European Commission is holding a public consultation #HaveYourSay on the EU’s 2040 Climate Target until June 23, 2023 (24:00). Positions can be sent on the EC website.Green REV Institute and the Future Food 4 Climate coalition encourage you to take part in the consultation and strongly CALL TO ACTION […]

Future Food 4 Climate – Warsaw Pride

18 czerwca 2023

Yesterday, June 17, 2023, together with thousands of people, we marched in the Warsaw Equality Parade. Climate, animal and human rights, LGBTQIPA+ rights, women’s rights are the foundations of democracy and building the rule of law and equality. Activists from the Green Advocacy Academy, representatives from Future Food 4 Climate: Men Against Violence, Animals for the Voiceless, […]

EP to turn away from European Green Deal

17 czerwca 2023

This week in Strasbourg, a parliamentary session of the European Parliament was held. With less than a year to go before the next EP elections, EU policymakers are clearly turning their backs on the ambitions of the European Green Deal. The food security resolution, the vote on the Nature Restoration Law (on which more work will be done on June 27), show that the largest faction […]

EU Platform on Animal Welfare

16 czerwca 2023

On June 14 and 15, 2023, the EU Platform on Animal Welfare is holding its next meeting with the European Commission, representatives of NGOs and industry and industry organizations. The welfare of so-called farmed animals is currently under review in EU legislation and is stirring up a lot of discussion in the context of the costs for the industry when it is […]