
Meeting with an expert within the GAA

22 listopada 2023

On 21 November (Tuesday), another meeting was held as part of the Green Advocacy Academy, an edition carried out with the support of the global Plant Based Treaty campaign. As part of the meeting, participants aged 14-26 were able to talk to expert Max Weiss about the impact of animal farming on climate and biodiversity. Max also talked about planetary boundaries and the […]

Germany – €38 million for the future of food

21 listopada 2023

Following negotiations, the German budget for the agricultural sector will include €38 million in its 2024 plan, which will be used to promote alternative protein sources and the transition to plant-based agriculture. The strategy highlights the need to fund the promotion of proteins that will be used for human consumption and not as animal feed. At the same time, €8 million in 2024 will […]

Forum 2023 – prof. Zbigniew Karaczun

17 listopada 2023

Expert panel – Agriculture of the Future sums up the voice of science for the climate – Prof. Zbigniew Karaczun Zbigniew Karaczun, Ph.D., Professor at the Department of Environmental Protection and Dendrology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences.Conducts research in the field of climate and environmental policy, integration of their objectives into agricultural policy and economic development strategies, as well […]

Forum 2023 – Wioletta Olejaraczyk

17 listopada 2023

Join us online on 18 November for the Future Food 4 Climate coalition’s 2nd Safe Food Forum! At 13:00 we start the expert panel – Agriculture of the Future Wioletta Olejarczyk is a farmer, herbalist and educator. She works on climate and environment friendly agriculture, connecting consumer people and farmers and women farmers in local and direct sales and co-creating a healthy […]

Forum 2023 – Iga Czubak

16 listopada 2023

Agriculture of the Future 18 November, 1 p.m.! Iga Czubak is an MSc in Neurocognitive Science fascinated by the food industry.She is the founder of Apollo/Plant Qurczak®.She promotes a scientific approach to things as basic as food. She is excited by products that achieve a higher purpose than simply satisfying the hunger of the male and female consumer. Join us online! Photo: Green […]

Forum 2023 – Anna Chęć

16 listopada 2023

On 18 November at 13:00 we start the expert panel #FarmingFuture Anna Chęć- activist, gardener, educator, local civic action leader.She lives and implements her mission of gardening for the Earth in the permaculture habitat Dolina Bawole Serce in Bystra (near Bielsko-Biała).She runs the „Świat W Nasz Rękach” Foundation, working for ecology, biodiversity and climate protection; animal rights, social, civic action and […]

Forum 2023 – Expert Panel

15 listopada 2023

On 18 November at 13:00 we see you at the expert panel – Agriculture of the Future. Photo: Green REV Institute

Forum 2023 – Matylda Szyrle

15 listopada 2023

Agriculture of the Future 18 November, 1pm! Matilda Szyrle – graduate of the Institute of Applied Social Sciences (UW) and Emerging Economies and International Development (King’s College London). She chose these courses because she is interested in how society works and whether (and what) can be done to make it work a little better.She has worked in a variety of sectors […]

Forum 2023 – Dr Paulina Sobiesiak-Penszko

14 listopada 2023

We are about to see you at the 2nd Safe Food Forum of the #FutureFood4Climate coalition 18 November (Saturday), 10:30am, we start with the Plenary Session! Farmers and farmers – allies and allies of the green transitionPaulina Sobiesiak – Penszko, PhD, will be with us as keynote speaker!PhD in sociology, researcher, analyst director of the Sustainable Development and Climate Policy Programme at the […]

Forum 2023 – Dr Marta Czapnik

14 listopada 2023

18.11 at 10.30 a.m.! Plenary Session! #IIForumSafeFood All the faces of food poverty Dr Marta Czapnik – Jurak is one of the keynote speakers at the 2nd Safe Food Forum.She is the author of „Malnutrition and Hunger in Poland. Report of the Food Banks”.Academic lecturer (IPSiR UW), researcher, author of several scientific articles and reports and diagnoses on poverty, homelessness, […]