
EVS 2023: Iga Czubak

28 sierpnia 2023

#MeetEuropeanVeganSummit2023Leaders Iga Czubak – founder and CEO of Plant Qurczak, neurocognitive scientist, winner of many awards including the most creative people in business, Foodtech 500. Want to know more on ethics & business? Join us online! #VeganBusiness #veganfood Apollo Roślinny Qurczak Essere Animali

EVS 2023: Olga Kikou

27 sierpnia 2023

#MeetEuropeanExperts Olga Kikou is Head of Compassion in World Farming EU, an international organisation dedicated to improving farm animal welfare, ending industrial animal agriculture and achieving sustainable food and farming. Born and raised in Athens, Olga lived in the U.S. for a number of years where she became involved in animal advocacy. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts […]

EVS 2023: Prof. Andrzej Elżanowski

26 sierpnia 2023

#MeetOurExperts Prof. Andrzej Elżanowski – Zoologist, bioethicist, author of over a hundred scientific works, Chair of the Polish Ethical Society, associated with the Faculty of „Artes Liberales” of Warsaw University. Member of the 1st Local Ethical Committee on Animal Experiments (term 2020-2023). #AnimalRights #ScienceforChange

EVS 2023: Catalina Lopez

25 sierpnia 2023

#Experts #EuropeanVeganSummit2023 Catalina Lopez is the Director of the Aquatic Animal Alliance, the coalition of over 130 organizations in 67 countries that are spearheading the work around the globe to reduce the suffering of aquatic animals in the food system. Through science-based advocacy, the aquatic animal alliance influences industry, governments and multilateral bodies to address the need to include aquatic […]

EVS 2023: Matteo Cupi

24 sierpnia 2023

#EVS2023Experts Matteo Cupi – Vice President for Europe at Animal Equality International. Cupi founded Animal Equality Italy in 2012 and helped the organization become a power player for animal protection in Italy and throughout Europe. #AnimalRights @animalequality @matteocupi Matteo Cupi @animalequalityitalia Linfa

EVS 2023: Olivier Morice

23 sierpnia 2023

#MeetEVS2023Experts Olivier Morice – Public Affairs Officer at L214, campaigner and animal rights activist.L214 Ethique et Animaux is one of the leader NGO that fights for animal rights and food system transition in Europe. #EuforAnimals #AnimalRights #AnimalAdvocates

EVS 2023: Morgan Janowicz

22 sierpnia 2023

#MeetEVSPeople  Morgan Janowicz – Board member and Partnership Coordinator for the Green REV Institute and the advocacy coalition Future Food 4 Climate. Co-founder of Green REV Institute, leads advocacy efforts, co-founder of Green Advocacy Academy, a program for young people who want to fix the food system and engage in advocacy. On behalf of the Green REV Institute, she is an […]

EVS 2023: Animals in the food system

21 sierpnia 2023

20th of September at 4:00 PM (CEST)“Animals in the food system. Advocacy successes and failures?”During our #Panel2 inspiring experts will evaluate the term of office of the EU authorities in the context of the debate and legislative process on animal rights and the key challenges and objectives of the next EU authorities among others. The floor will be given to:– Olivier Morice – […]

EVS 2023: Alexander Huntley

20 sierpnia 2023

#MeetEVS2023ExpertsAlexander Huntley – Alexander joined The Vegan Society in 2022 after completing his MSc in The Politics of Conflict, Rights and Justice at The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). As Research Assistant, he is responsible for coordinating the Society’s research networks, a community of vegan academic researchers. He is the co-author of several publications on vegan-related topics including on the 2023 Catering […]

EVS 2023: Lena Anna Kuklińska

19 sierpnia 2023

#MeetEVSPeople Lena Anna Kuklińska – Student of LL.M. European and Transnational Law of Intellectual Property and Information Technology at Georg-August Universitat Goettingen. She works as a Project Manager for the Federation of Young European Greens and co-chairs the youth group Ostra Zieleń — Polish Young Greens. She completed an internship in the European Parliament in the office of MEP Dr. Sylwia Spurek.Lena […]