
EU legislative package for water?

28 listopada 2022

On October 26, 2022, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a directive amending the Water Framework Directive, the Groundwater Directive and the Environmental Quality Standards Directive.The overarching goal of the changes is to protect human health and the environment from toxic pollution in the water area. There is little reference to agriculture and pollution from agriculture in the proposed directive itself. […]

EC public consultation – CAP

27 listopada 2022

We have submitted a position paper on the #HaveYourSay initiative: Common Agricultural Policy – revisions to the Strategic Plan. In the position, we call the Commission to monitor, check and control the implementation of the Strategic Plan, paying particular attention to the issue of operation of animal farms, the foundation of new ones, indirect and direct support of animal production & factory farming […]

Morgan Janowicz on COP27

26 listopada 2022

„My call for the Climate Summits is very clear – let’s turn them into Science and Activists Conferences of Presidents. Let’s listen to the needs of people living in different parts of the world, let’s create a map pf damages that shows who is polluting, what are the possibilities to repair the damage and prevent further damage. A comprehensive climate audit […]

Public procurement in Warsaw

25 listopada 2022

We have received a response from the Mayor of the City of Warsaw regarding green public procurement – city catering. The tender for catering lacked concern for the climate, the environment, animal rights and a sustainable food system. Together with the Fridays for Future Warsaw, we sent an urgent position to City Hall on this issue. However, the City of Warsaw, […]

Morgan Janowicz – Nothing about us without us

24 listopada 2022

Morgan Janowicz, Partnership Coordinator and board member of the Green REV Institute at the I Food Safety Forum said: „I would not want my generation to be relegated solely to a position of street activism. And here I don’t want to be misunderstood – of course, protests, demonstrations are very important in democracy, but I and many of my colleagues want to realistically participate in decision-making. We are graduating, gaining experience in NGOs, […]

Start listening to science – Prof. Joanna Handerek

23 listopada 2022

🍀I Food Safety Forum and Prof. Joanna Hańderek’s call to action ” Listen to science!”. On November 19 this year, the #FutureFood4Climate coalition met at the I Food Safety Forum under the honorary patronage of Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski, matronage/patronage of Krytyka Polityczna, Silesian Opinion, Ekowyborcy, Green News. 👉 Prof. Joanna Hańderek spoke in the opening remarks:🌳”48 billion slaughtered animals, methane and carbon […]

Professor Piotr Skubala – I Food Safety Forum

22 listopada 2022

On November 19, we organized the I Food Safety Forum of the Future Food 4 Climate coalition.The event, held under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw Rafal Trzaskowski, matronage/patronage of Krytyka Polityczna, Slaska Opinia, Ekowyborca, was attended by experts, media, activists and coalition partners. In his opening speech, „Stop, Rebuild and Strengthen,” Prof. Dr. Piotr […]

Forgotten farming – fish

21 listopada 2022

Katarzyna Kolbuch writes about the impact of fish farming on biodiversity, climate, the environment and legislation for fish conservation, which unfortunately does not exist. The scientific community is publishing data on food production and its impact on the planet, including wildlife habitat disruption, water consumption and pollution, and the impact of food production on climate warming. Their analysis, published […]

I FF4C Forum on Food Safety

19 listopada 2022

We are meeting in Warsaw today for the Future Food 4 Climate coalition’s I Forum on Food Safety. This is the first nationwide event dedicated to the topics of a sustainable food system, fixing the Common Agricultural Policy and connecting the dots on the map of animal rights, human rights and climate. The forum will open with a speech by Member of the European […]

EC legislation for fish

18 listopada 2022

Member of the European Parliament Rosa D’Amato, along with MEP Dr. Sylwia Spurek, asked Health and Food Safety Commissioner Stella Kyriakides about the EC’s concrete proposals on the issue of farmed fish. The question was cosigned by more than a dozen MEPs (Members of the European Parliament), but only one MEP (Sylwia Spurek), from Poland. „The Commission confirms […]