Gdansk City Councilor Łukasz Bejm x #FoodSystem
Gdansk City Councilor Lukasz Bejm has addressed an interpellation regarding access to plant-based meals in educational institutions. „According to surveys, young people are moving away from the consumption of meat, dairy or eggs. This is related to increased awareness of animal suffering, the impact of consumption of these products on climate catastrophe and loss of biodiversity, as well as human health. A study by the […]
Public consultation – forced feeding
Only until today (19 May 2023 at 24:00) can opinions be submitted as part of the European Commission’s public consultation ’Poultry – Review of marketing standards’. The Green REV Institute has already submitted its position in which it has clearly called for the removal of the minimum liver weight requirement for the livers of ducks and geese used for […]
Angelina Dobler – Green Advocacy Academy
The fourth international workshop organised as part of the project co-funded by the European Union – Green Advocacy Academy – was attended by a representative from the Swiss organisation Sentience Politics. The workshop took place on 16 May at 18:00. Angelina Dobler – Board member of Sentience Politics. Angelina has worked as a campaigner for years and holds a degree in political and environmental science. […]
The Women Vegan Summit
18-20 May 2023, The Women Vegan Summit takes place in New York, which will be attended by Green REV Institute Founder, Member of Parliament Dr Sylwia Spurek. Dr. Sylwia Spurek will speak on a panel discussion entitled „Why Politics Belongs at the Dinner Table”. – 19 May. The panel will be moderated by Saroj Coehlo and will take place at 10:45 AM New York time. The […]
Workshop „The role of green advocacy”
The 4th international workshop of the ongoing Green Advocacy Academy project, which is co-funded by the European Union, will take place today (16.05 at 18:00 CET). The workshop will feature two expert speakers who will talk about the importance of advocacy work for food system transition: Green Advocacy Academy is a project co-funded by the European Union. The recipients […]
European Workshop 2.0
On 11 May, we took part as a speaker in a workshop organised by the European Commission Representation in Poland entitled „What is the European Green Deal? „What is the European Green Deal? How do young people see it? On actions leading to the achievement of climate neutrality by the European Union”. The event was aimed at students and was attended by 50 young people from all over Poland. […]
Extinction or Regeneration Conference
On May 12 this year, we participated in the Extinction or Regeneration conference. We met with expert speakers on just transformation towards a sustainable food system and food justice: for the planet, people and animals. We took part in a panel on building and working of movements and organizations for food system transformation and repair, together with experts from Italy, the UK and the Netherlands, and […]
FF4C partners’ meeting
On May 11, we met with Future Food 4 Climate partners about the coalition’s next steps. The reaction and position of the Ministry of Climate and Environment on the proposal of a draft law on, among other things, the introduction of access to plant-based meals in educational institutions and the surprising demands for the promotion of „venison” in mass nutrition triggered a debate […]
EP once again against a sustainable food system
A vote on the EU School Scheme took place today during the plenary session in Strasbourg. MEPs voted against the inclusion of vegan, plant-based dairy substitutes in the Vegetables, Fruit and Milk in School Scheme. The programme allocates as much as €95 million each year from the European Union for the distribution of animal-based milk. Anna Spurek, COO Green REV Institute: ” Children […]
Wrocław – local food policy
On 20 April 2023, Bartłomiej Gawrecki, member of the Board and leader of the legal team of the Green REV Institute Foundation, took part in the first of a series of three participatory meetings organised by the City Hall of Wrocław. The meetings concern work on the City of Wrocław’s food system, namely the Food Policy. The meetings are being […]