
Amazon’s European win

8 grudnia 2022

On December 5, the European Parliament and the Council (EU) reached agreement on a European Commission proposal for deforestation-free products. The new law will require companies to transparently track their goods throughout the supply chain. The list of products includes soybeans (used as feed for livestock), beef, and hides. Back in 2021, the European Commission proposed banning a very limited list of […]

FF4C – Krakow Climate Academy

7 grudnia 2022

Today, December 7, 2022, head of the Green REV Institute/ FF4C legal team Bartlomiej Gawrecki is taking part in the Krakow Climate Academy, an educational project aimed at high school students combining environmental knowledge with film screenings of the best environmental films of recent years. The meeting is dedicated to the topic of the future of food and […]

FF4C December meeting

6 grudnia 2022

On December 5, we met to discuss the European Commission’s current consultations (on air quality regulations, water, live animal transport, among others), advocacy efforts for healthy, sustainable, plant-based meals in educational institutions, and the plan for FF4C Roundtables in the first quarter of 2023. Thank you for being with us and creating an activist critical mass for food system transformation! We are […]

How (dis)informed do you think you are?

5 grudnia 2022

Morgan Janowicz took part in a panel discussion on disinformation and the role of media/social media in shaping public opinion. The event was aimed at young people – activist individuals , students, young professionals. The event, organized by the British Embassy in Poland, was moderated by Adam Reichardt, editor of New Eastern Europe. The media plays a very important role in shaping the debate and […]

FF4C in the Senate

4 grudnia 2022

Green REV Institute, Future Food 4 Climate will participate (5th December) in a meeting of the Parliamentary Group on Children, organized jointly with the social movement Parents for Climate – Parents for Future PL, on Children and Climate. Bartlomiej Gawrecki, head of the REV legal team, will present calls for amending legislation for sustainable nutrition in educational institutions and designing […]

REV at EU Platform on Animal Welfare

3 grudnia 2022

The next meeting of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare begins on December 5. As part of the meeting, the European Commission is expected to address the issues of: Only 10 NGOs from across the Union actively participate in the meetings and work of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare. Representation from the agricultural industry is disproportionately greater. As part of the work, we are […]

Public consultation on National Plan for CAP

2 grudnia 2022

We have submitted our position on the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy (2023-27) as part of the ongoing consultations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Our main comments: 1.There are no instruments envisioned for interventions related to the environment, climate and other governance commitments that would lead to a reduction in animal production as high-carbon and environmentally and climate damaging;2.There […]

A plant-based menu in Toruń’s schools?

1 grudnia 2022

Toruń City Councillors Margareta Skerska-Roman and Bartosz Szymanski (Platforma.Nowoczesna Koalicja Obywatelska councillors’ club) have submitted an interpellation to the Mayor on the availability of vegan meals in the city’s educational institutions. They also ask about the City’s plans to adapt its local strategy to the challenges of food system transformation and urban food policy. Decision-makers active in local government have been […]

Agenda for sustainable development 2030

30 listopada 2022

The European Commission is conducting a public consultation as part of its review of the Agenda for Sustainable Development. Until December 1, 2022 (24:00 Warsaw), positions can be sent as part of the first-ever voluntary review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The EU-level review will provide summary of the EU’s internal and external implementation […]

EC consultation on forced labor

29 listopada 2022

You can participate in the European Commission’s consultation on forced labor regulation until tomorrow, November 30 at 24:00 (Brussels Time). Read our position paper and make your voice heard! We want to cite just a few figures, showing how large the scale of the forced labor problem is in the animal production sector. KnowTheChain published a report on how the world’s largest food and […]